Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday 06.06.2014

Another great day!!

I was just going out when Frank arrived--so I stayed and visited with him.

After he left, I went out for a few groceries, and enjoyed a top down ride on the way home.

I put the groceries away and fixed supper and ate, and sat outdoors for a while, listening and watching the birds. It seems the red wing blackbirds' babies are out of the nest, and have been for a while. They're pretty big, and finding their own food. A pair of hummingbirds were chasing each other around, and made a bee-line in my direction. One went past my ear and the other raised up enough to go over my head. Yikes!! It sounded like race cars zooming by!!

I spent the evening doing more food prep and gathering things together to go north on Monday. I only have a few times that I'll be able to go this year, and with the fuel prices as high as they are, I'm sure I'm not alone in not being able to afford to travel.

My ankle is kind of sore tonight. I may have had the ace wrap too tight...???

Tomorrow is a work day.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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