Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday 01.10.2014

Yay!! I finally feel good today!!  Thank you, God!!

I was dismayed when I looked out and saw more snow today, though.  The positives--there wasn't much--maybe not even an inch, but enough to cover everything with a fresh layer of white.

Breakfast, then business stuff on the computer. I managed to get done what I needed to do.

Then I needed to go outdoors.

A lot more pleasant at 35 degrees than it has been.  I shoveled the thin layer, and found the edges of the driveway.

This is what I ended up with--

With the temps predicted to be so much warmer, I expect the rest will be gone by  morning.

The snow was just right for packing...

These won't last long either.

Tomorrow is a work day.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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