Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday 12.06.2013

Didn't sleep as well as I had hoped, though I did sleep a little longer this morning.

And since it was almost 9, I thought I'd get my fasting blood drawn for the "annual" physical exam.

So off to the hospital...

A student in the lab. I let her get me set up, and she felt for a vein. I had bad feelings about this....

The lab employee working with her came up, and I gave her a look. "You might want to check for a vein. These can be tricky to get."

The Lab Lady got the drift. "No problem", and she took over.

She didn't find a vein in the antecubital (inside the elbow) and I offered a hand vein. She poked there and it still took her a bit to actually get it.  And then the blood didn't flow real well. We got enough, though.


I was able to leave after waiting several minutes for my head to stop being woozy. Yup. I do.

Back at home, I had breakfast, (it was coming up on noon), and went out to browse the stores a little, but didn't stay long. Overwhelming.

So I came back home and had a quiet rest of the day.

Tomorrow is another day off.  Yay!!

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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