Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday 08.16.2013

What a great day!!

Sunny and warm--

Started out with an "easy" run. By the time I was coming back, the sun was warm enough that I was happy for the shady places.

Breakfast, shower. Got things ready to go home for a couple of days.

Gia, Shea, and I were able to go out on the paddle boat again. Quiet lake and reflective water. We enjoyed an uneventful "adventure" "all the way across the lake". When we were almost back across, the lake started getting busy. We had good timing!

And then I had to leave.

Stopped in Rose City to visit with U. Carl, who looked better (personal care/grooming) today. I went outdoors with him; he seemed to enjoy the fresh air.

I continued on my way south. The trip was extended due to an hour in a traffic back up. We finally moved enough and came upon an exit, which not many of us utilized. But I was moving again, and finally got home around 8 pm.

All is well. Turned around and ready for a workday tomorrow.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.


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