Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday 07.07.2013

An interesting day.

Was my turn to "float"--and God sent me where I was needed.

"Sitting" (patient sitting--one-to-one for patient safety) with an elderly man who was "confused" and "busy".  I pulled a chair close to the bed and touched his arm; he searched for and grasped my hand. I sat all morning with him holding my hand, him talking, rambling. I fed him breakfast--he was hungry--but he wasn't having anything to do with "resting". Somewhere around 11:30 his brain wiring "switched" and he got real busy real fast. One of the staff was going past the door as he was quickly scooting himself down the bed. He had the bottom half of his long legs off the bottom corner of the bed before she could get over to us. Between the two of us, we got him captured and back on the bed. He reminded me of a squirmy toddler. He almost got away!!

The staff told me it was time for my lunch, and I left the room.

When I got back, the family had started arriving for a visit. It was interesting to watch their dynamics. And yes, it was all too familiar, and almost predictable, as to how this was going to unfold. I was honored to help care for him today.

I was relieved shortly after 3 and went back to my own unit, where I helped with patient care, and picked up a couple of loose ends before clocking out early. Which was good, because I didn't sleep much last night, and I was sleepy.

I got home, had a bite to eat, and tried to stay awake.

Frank came over for a bit to use a "big" computer, and I FINISHED my education piece for the Best Fed project.  YAY!!!!   And it counts for 20 CEU's!

Tomorrow is a dental cleaning.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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