Sunday, May 19, 2013

Saturday 05.18.2013

Marching right along, through the month, next comes summer....

I finally slept well this morning. I was surprised to see the time was 0848!

Sunshine and birdsong. I got up and went outdoors for a few minutes before having breakfast. So Beautiful!

This morning when I looked into the robin's nest, there were 2 hatched! Surprising, though, that I didn't find any shells. Not on the ground, or caught up in the branches.  This evening, a third has hatched, and the first two are fluffed out, moving their heads around better, raising up their beaks wide open! So cool!

I went out and spent some time at an "event" that Frank was at with his girlfriend and her parents. They had a table, selling their wares. Interesting stuff.

Back at home I prepared food, started laundry, and sat outdoors for a bit.

A quiet evening, collecting items to take to the cottage this week.

Tomorrow is another sunny day.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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