Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday 04.24.2013

Nearly the end of April, and we have "snain" in southern lower Michigan. Snain--a mix of snow and rain.  Cold, kind of blowy, messy, doesn't stick on the ground, the roads are wet but not slippery. Just, well, yucky.

I've been picking at household chores today, collecting the little things that I want to take with me tomorrow.  Frank called; I met him over at K-Mart, where I found a bag/suitcase with the 360-degree wheels, way on sale.  So I have a new bag to take with me!

After leaving there, I had a couple other stops to make.

Back at home, laundry, clothing selection, and supper. Cleaned up the kitchen, did some computer research, and a shower.

I'm about ready to go to Detroit for a 3:30pm flight.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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