Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday 03.25.2013

Slept pretty good with a few of the "usual" interruptions.

A nice morning, with a load of laundry done and put away, then off to the hospital for an equipment evaluation meeting. As I was leaving, my middle back muscles tightened up, spasming. To the point where I went into the bathroom and tried to stretch. Ouch!!  I had a vision of not being able to move myself!! But I did some deep breathing, moved around some, and was able to leave.

The meeting lasted a little longer than anticipated, and the back pain surprised me, but I was able to get the grocery shopping done on the way home.

Supper, kitchen cleaned up, and a quiet evening.

Tylenol and Motrin are helping. Hope it stays gone and doesn't come back....

Tomorrow is another meeting.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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