Saturday, December 29, 2012

Saturday 12.29.2012

Worked today.

Much different than Tuesday--almost a full house, with several discharges in the afternoon/early evening.

One of the night girls needed to come in a bit late, and I stayed to cover her. It was nice to work with the other shift for a short time, and I was able to help them with their education module for our Best Fed project. Night shift doesn't have much in the way of project support.

It was almost 9 o'clock when I left.

When I got home, I shoveled another inch or so off the driveway. Why??  Because the sun melts the snow just enough to create an ice glaze. And if  it's shoveled, the majority of it dries off.

I got ready for bed and wrote here.

Tomorrow is a workday.

I sure hope the hissing in my ears goes away soon. My voice is a little better this evening, and my sinuses feel almost "hollow". I have two more antibiotic capsules left of the prescription--I hope it's enough, and my body will take over.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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