Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday 10.26.2012

Another lovely day...

With the many interruptions in sleep last night, I was pleasantly surprised to see 0845 on the clock this morning. Hmm, time to get up....

I enjoyed breakfast and fresh brew, got ready and went for a one o'clock meeting. That one is a more "fun" one--probably because it moves faster, and we make our own rules. We've done some great things in that group in the last year or so that have impacted the whole hospital. And we launched another project today that we've been working on, with 2 immediate responses, both of which were energetic and favorable.

Afterwards, I had an errand to do, then came back home to a crockpot that was just about ready to eat. Ham and cabbage and potatoes--very yummy. I was surprised how much of it I ate!

I'm happy to say that, so far, the only "side effect" of getting the flu vaccine is soreness in the muscle it was injected into.  And, so far, it's not that bad.

Tomorrow is a workday.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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