Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday 09.24.2012

Finally caught up on sleep--we were all pretty tired last night after doing a whole lot of not much yesterday. And when I opened the computer to write here, I didn't have an internet connection. I tried a couple of simple things to connect it that didn't work; I just went to bed.

Today Jenny and I took Matilda to the pediatrician's office for a weight check. Oh, yeah, she was 7# 11 oz  last Monday; today she was 8# 12 oz!!  She gained 17 ounces in 7 days. Wow! Human milk does great things for human babies...!!!  (just a refresher--she was 8 pounds even at birth, 14 days ago)

We had great fun this afternoon giving Mattie a bath. Jenny showed me how they had done it the previous two times, and I showed her how to put baby in  the baby bathtub, not just on the hammock-like thing. Mattie got into the warm water and relaxed. Mom was amazed that baby was so happy--unlike the earlier constant crying experiences. Mom and baby were peacefully snuggling this afternoon.

We watched a couple of breastfeeding dvd's that I needed to review for my project; Jen gave me some good feedback from a new mom's perspective.

We also went outside for a long walk. The weather is beautiful--low 80's with a light breeze, high 60's at night. Jeremy passed us as he was coming home from work.

I fixed us a yummy supper and we had a quiet evening at home.

Tomorrow I hope to exercise, and us girls are going to play dress up with the baby. Pictures, too!!  So far I've had a lot of fun with my new baby.

Thank you God for this gift of life.

And thank you for reading. Hugs.

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