Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday 08.30.2012

I rested a little better last night, and went in for what turned out to be a very busy workday. Wonderful patients, wonderful co-workers, lunch at 3pm. I did get to eat, though.....

I have been thinking the last few days that my gum or tooth or somewhere in my face where that tooth was re-repaired was feeling not quite right. Yesterday I had the inkling notion that I might have to think about calling the dentist. Well, this morning, among all the other stuff I was doing, I started not feeling well. That area above the tooth was hurting, it felt swollen, my cool/cold hand felt good against it, and I told the girls I might have to take a quick trip to the dentist's office, just a few blocks away.

I made a phone call, told the nice lady my symptoms and that I felt like I was getting sick, and she told me that doctor was only in until 11:30 today, and not back until Tuesday. Oh--was I glad I called!!!

She did call me back a short while later. After reviewing my films and the work that was done, he said he was surprised that I was having that discomfort, but wanted to call me in an antibiotic. Cool--I didn't have to go there. And I was able to pick up the Z-Pack on one of my errands elsewhere in the hospital. Thank you Dr. Hess, and thank you God for looking out for me. I hope it does the trick.

And tonight I'm tired.

So I'm going to bed.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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