Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday 07.12.2012

The month is almost half gone. My time at the lake has just started, and it will seem all too soon that this stretch will be over.

So I'm enjoying it as much as I can.

Started the day with a run, then breakfast. I looked at the material for the phone conference; and then it was time for the phone call.

That went well.  Now I can shower.

And a trip into Hale for a few groceries.

Back at the JC, I fixed food and ate. Putzed around with little odds and ends chores. It amazes me what needs to be done after just a couple weeks away.

I was enjoying the Bug-Free-Zone when Polly called--I got a flashlight and walked down to the GC. Even though it wasn't dark yet, it would be.

We visited while the boys were out fishing. They brought back a couple "nice ones" to show and photograph, put them back in the lake, and not long after that, I took my flashlight and went home. It wasn't completely dark yet, with just a tint of blue-black in the sky, but dark enough that I didn't want to dawdle.

Tomorrow Diane is coming, if it works out. And I heard that T&KS are, too.  Yippee!!

I sure love it here.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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