Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday 04.06.2012

A pretty good workday today, with the best co-workers. Life is good.

The evening has gone by, me wandering around with a measuring tape and a roll of masking tape, marking out where shelves might go, where I might hang pictures and stuff.

I forgot to mention a few days ago that my left upper arm was hurting pretty good along the lymph channel. I remember the thoughts--that my arm was really sore, and that it felt an awful lot like the "cording" I had had a few years ago, that Ike had to work out. It scared me that I might be developing that cording again, and wanted to do what I could to make it better.

So, mimicking Ike's technique as much as I could one-handed, (and what I could remember of it), I worked on that upper arm. And boy was it sore. It was still sore and tender yesterday, but tonight it's a lot better. Still lumpy and tender, but not so sore.

Whew. I think I might have done something right.

Tomorrow I hope to exercise, put some more stuff away, and I need to make a trip to Holt.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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