Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday 02.24.2012

It was a day...

Sooo busy; all of our rooms full on the primary unit, most of the overflow unit full. Higher acuity patients with odd conditions.

But, with the GREAT staff that we have, we got through it.

And I'm really tired of hearing call lights and telephones ringing.

The winter storm didn't affect us too much. The drive down was ok--both counties had plowed and salted. The fat, wet snowflakes had started to freeze on the windshield wipers a few miles north of Jackson. I was surprised when I got to the parking lot to find the wet chunk of snow clogged on the wiper arm. I took the time to clear it off so it didn't freeze during the day.

The drive home was ok, too--mostly wet in Jackson county, turning dry as I got home.

A quiet night.

Tomorrow I have shopping to do, as well as a trip to Jackson.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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