Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday 01.12.2012

A pretty good day today.

Kind of busy--barometric pressure changes bring in the laboring moms, and it was bustling on our floor. I'm proud to be a member of a great team. Thanks to all my co-workers for their hard work.

Although I had to scrape about 1/4 inch of frozen, snowy ice from the car, and it was blowing and snowing still, my drive home wasn't as bad as I had thought it might be. Just slowed down a bit, and I arrived home safely, thank you God.

A quiet evening and I'm off to bed, to get up at 0425 and do it again.

That wound bed in the left breast was bothersome again late this afternoon. I noticed the axillary scar is reddened and itchy, too. I don't know--maybe radiation effects?? Maybe lymph fluid?? Maybe I should just quit trying to label it, and "it is what it is"? Anyway, that's what this blog is about, sharing the oddities of breast cancer treatment and it's aftereffects. And by sharing, we find out that "we're not the only one" experiencing these oddities.

So, I thank you for reading. And sharing. Hugs.

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