Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday 12.10.2011

Slept pretty good, yippee! The sun was shining and the birds were noisy when I woke.

A quiet morning, and breakfast while I waited for the temperature to warm a little before going out for a jog. When I did go out, it was about 28 degrees with a light breeze. I wondered what the wind chill was.... But the sun was warm.

I cooled off, got ingredients out for supper.

We ate when Dan got home. He went back out to get gas for his car; when he got back, he said the price had gone up almost 10 cents/gallon. Geesh.

A quiet night.

Tomorrow I have to go to Jackson for a "drill" that we're doing for our staff, and later I have a Dinner Date with my husband. I'm looking forward to it.

And I've felt pretty good today.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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