Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday 11.15.2011

I slept some last night, almost waking when the radio came on. Then the song got real quiet, there was a pause, and I dozed back off. The music crescendo'd--oh, I did hear the radio. Ugh. Time to get up...

The first part of the day was extremely busy. The car was taken to Discount Tire for the tires to be rotated, and I thought they were looking a little worn on tread. When I had gotten out the paperwork, they are 45,000 mile tires. Hm, they've got 40k on them now. (I've done a lot of driving the last couple of years...)

The guy called, saying they were worn, blah, blah, blah. And with Michigan winter coming up...The bottom line is that I bought 4 new tires, making a deal for less than what he initially quoted. Good job, me!

I had a challenge taking care of "business" and being so busy, but I had to take care of me, first. We finally slowed down some in the afternoon, thank you God.

A safe drive home, thanks again. I saw at least 5 deer carcasses along the road on the way home. Ick.

A quiet night; a couple of phone calls (thank you KS) and a load of laundry.

My heart has started flopping around again this evening. Definite Ugh.

Tomorrow is chores.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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