Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday 11.07.2011

I slept pretty good, when the pieces are added together.

Went for a jog this morning; breakfast, shower, then over to Leah's for a workover. I mean massage. Geez--she sure found some knots today! She also did a nice job moving the lymph fluid from the pockets on my back over the ribs, along my side, chest, and arm. Thank you, Leah.

I had wanted to get groceries and put supper together after that, but I was soooo tired, and a bit nauseated. Maybe from moving the lymph fluid? I was happy when Daniel called to say he was on the way home, and did I want to go out for supper?

Oh, yeah.

And from there, we went over to the grocery store.

So I did get dinner and groceries!

Tomorrow we each have a doctor appointment, and I have a meeting in Jackson.

Hope I sleep good tonight.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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