Saturday, October 8, 2011

Friday 10.07.2011

I worked today. Started out with the "on call" phone call, but was called back about 0730, just as I had finally drifted back to sleep. And we had a good day, even though it was a little busy.

As the day went on, I was thinking that I might go north after work. As it turned out, I didn't get my supper, which threw me all off. I stopped at the chinese place, where I had planned to get my food in the afternoon anyway, on the way home, and ate the eggroll.

I also refueled the car on the way home, so I was ready to go.

When I got in the house and put my things away, I got really sleepy. Hmm. I ate what food I wanted, and the next thing I knew, I wanted to go to bed. Probably not a good idea to drive almost 3 hours in the dark, being that tired....

And I went to bed.

It's Saturday morning, 0530, and I'm awake. I slept really good!!!! Thank you God!

I'm getting ready to go....

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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