Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday 09.12.2011

I had that little naggy headache yesterday, thinking it was just the "change of weather", and chose to not take anything for it. I hardly slept last night, even though I felt tired. Ugh.

This morning, the right side of my neck was tight and sore, and I'm thinking--when do I see Leah again--

By the time I got to work, I had talked myself into tylenol and motrin, and just a little of a tylenol #3, for the codeine. And, wonder of wonders, I realize about a half hour later, that the neck discomfort was easing, and the pain process in the headache was interrupted. But the brain still felt sore. One of these days I'm going to realize that the little naggy headaches with the stiff neck is a migraine.

We had a busy day; having great co-workers makes all the difference. It was a good day, overall.

A safe drive home, thank you God.

I work tomorrow; Dan is golfing.

That headache is a shadow that I'm wondering about. Guess I'll take just the tylenol and motrin before going to bed.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

1 comment:

  1. I get those "naggy headaches" once a month.
    Yes....and its a migraine too. I usually dont realize it until I see the date and know "it" is coming.
    I've had one the last couple days....praying it doesnt become a full blown migraine. I get so sick with them
    I hope you feel better today
