Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday 08.18.2011

I had a great morning! Started early waking to the thunderstorm, then wondered why I was seeing a light. Seems we had a flash of a loss of electricity. And when that happens we have a light that comes on. And of course the clocks without battery back-up blink. I went back to sleep knowing that my bedside clock has a battery, and that the power was on. And that I didn't have to get up until 0800, because someone agreed to work for me this morning to cover me for a meeting.

So when the radio came on at 0758, I had been sleeping, but it was a glorious morning. Sunshine, birdsong. I got ready and drove to Jackson with sunglasses on.

A good meeting, then out to the floor. The afternoon turned out to be pretty busy.

After work I had my haircut, then home and a shower. I was surprised that the wounds/scars sloughed again. They get flaky and itchy then shed. Strange.

Tomorrow I'm going back Up North with Sandy and Allison for the weekend.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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