Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday 06.12.2011

We had a good day at the J.O.B. Low census, great co-workers, and a surprise visit from my Frank.

After work, I went over and picked up Sandy and her daughter Allison, and from there we went to Holt. There were maybe 5 dead deer along the way.

Dan was home when we got there. He looked pretty tired from his golf excursion. I fixed the girls something to eat, along with finishing gathering my belongings to take to the lake.

We said our good-byes to Daniel, who will be going back for work tomorrow, and we started out again about 9:00.

We had a safe drive, thank you God, while the deer and whatever else's small animal eyes glinted back at us from the sides of the roadways. We did slow twice to let the deer finish crossing.

I refueled at Wilder Road Meijer, and also went in the store to use the "facilities" as well as pick up some groceries. We had fun, laughing and looking at stuff.

The JC looked really good to me tonight. 52 degrees, quiet and clear. We are unloaded and unpacked and ready for the sun to shine tomorrow.

I'm pretty tired, but feel ok. Looking forward to sleeping...

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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