Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday 05.23.2011 Look, No Cavities!!

I had a good day today. I slept fair and woke when I needed to get up for the day.

I was going to go jog/run before going to Jackson, but when I had gotten ready, a rain shower happened. Hm. Plan B.

So I had breakfast, and was going to shower, when I looked out and saw that the sun had returned and the road had dried up. Great! I still had time to go out...

And I did.

I had a good jog and had just enough time to cool off a little and shower. It all worked out well.

At the dentist's, Debbie cleaned my teeth. She noticed a "rough" spot on a tooth, and Dr came in to do his exam. Seems a piece of a filling (amalgam) had broken off, and some dentin is exposed. I have an appointment, in September, to have it repaired/replaced. But no cavities!!

I stopped at Meijer on the way home for a few groceries. Fixed supper, ate, and enjoyed a quiet afternoon listening to the birds.

Dan should be home sometime this evening.

I've been feeling pretty good, overall. Thank you God.

And thank you for reading. Hugs.

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