Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday 02.15.2011

I was so tired this morning that I had difficulty on the way to work. You know, when your vision tries to tell you to close your eyes and go to sleep...? I was surprised; I've only had that experience a couple of times before on the morning drive. I arrived safely, thank you God, to the aroma of skunk. Yup, Spring.

I did my best all day long. And we were busy--9 babies on our shift alone, with 1 more to deliver! I was concerned about driving back home, and thought that if we lived in Jackson, I would have asked Daniel to come pick me up. Instead, I drank another 20 ounces of water. A full bladder keeps me awake while driving. To my surprise, I started feeling better, and was able to drive myself home without that heavy sense of fatigue.

Tomorrow Dan works, and I have appointments, the first being the cardiologist to evaluate the arrhythmia I get if I take the Femara at a less than 24 hour interval. Then to Leah for reflexology, then a condominium association board meeting in the evening.

My lower forearm was aching this morning. I did what I could to massage it a little. It doesn't feel as sore now as it did. Maybe I'll put the sleeve on tonight.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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