Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday 11.24.2010

I got up after a restless night of interrupted sleep about 8:30. Breakfast, light housekeeping, laundry started, and I went out for errands.

First stop at the pharmacy to drop off prescriptions, then to Meijer. Fuel for the car, fuel for the body. That store was busy, but I was actually able to get into a lane that had a checker person. Geesh, I miss that. This store usually has only a couple of lanes with a "person", which are usually cued up with larger orders, so I've been using the self scan. I don't like that so well.

Back to the pharmacy to pick up the meds, then over to the storage unit to pick up Christmas stuff. At home, unloaded the car and had a light lunch.

I finished moving the furniture around and putting things away after having our dinner on Saturday, and started dinner.

Dan got home and we ate.

We had a quiet evening.

I've felt pretty good today, and I thank the Lord for it. Sure, the swelling and aches and irregular heart rate are still there, but today it's been pretty low key.

Daniel and I both work tomorrow.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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