Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday 11.10.2010

I slept enough to be almost rested, enjoying a quiet morning at home with Daniel. He left to golf, about noon, and I got laundry sorted and started. I ended up doing about 4 loads today.

When he got back, we went out for dinner, and on a whim, went into the Goodwill store that was nearby. We found a blazer, slacks, and a Lands End jacket for me, all for less than 20 dollars. Not as cheap as "Fishing", but a good buy none-the-less.

His friend Al came over, and we enjoyed a pleasant evening. Those two are going golfing tomorrow somewhere south of here and wanted to get an early start.

I'll be going to Jackson to facilitate the "skills fair" for our department's staff. The event is scheduled 10 AM to 10 PM; I don't know how long I'm going to be there. I'm guessing it will be a long day.

I've felt pretty good, other than that tendon being tight in my forearm. I see Ike on Friday.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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