Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday 11.07.2010 Fall Back

While the interior of the cabin has finally come up to a comfortably warm temperature (which includes furniture), I didn't sleep very well last night. I woke this morning at 8:30/7:30, watched the sun coming up in a clear blue sky over a quiet lake. I dozed and woke again, watching 2 squirrels running up and down the pine tree, and back and forth on the branches, taking twigs, branches, and leaves back to either build a new nest or repair/reinforce an existing one. I watched them for while, and got up.

I saw the ducks and geese scattering from their spots on the lake, and sure enough, here comes an eagle. It swoped right into the pine tree. And I notice that one of the squirrels is very still on the branch, chattering lightly, like it's calling to the other one. And then it kind of barks and cries, kind of eerily. Um, I think the eagle got one of the squirrels. Not too much longer, both eagles launched out over the lake, though I didn't see anything in either one's talons. I don't see that other squirrel, either.

I went in to start my day, and KS was out by the front door, and that squirrel was still making that bark/cry noise. Those eagles are cool, but it is eerily quiet when they are around. The smaller creatures vamoose. Or disappear.

When we went outdoors today, we didn't see any dead squirrel, or squirrel parts. I don't know if the eagles put that squirrel somewhere, or what. Creepy.

It was a beautiful day at Long Lake. 52 degrees, sunny, very light breeze, and the waterbirds out there taking full advantage of it. So cool. We walked down Memory Lane, which included a trip over the dam bridge, and on over to her folks' place. Wow, we hadn't walked that route in many years. And parts of it still felt familiar to our feet. We visited with one of the neighbors, CW, who said he will be taking over the care of the cabin from his brother. He and his girlfriend had done yardwork this weekend, and the property is looking so much better already. Welcome back, Chris.

KS and I got our cabin cleaned and ourselves ready to go. She left maybe 2:30 ish, and I dawdled a bit, making and eating lunch before leaving about 4.

An uneventful drive home, thank you God, even in the stop and go traffic on 69, where bridge painting had us down to one lane and 45 mph.

Dan helped unload the car. We chatted a bit and he fell asleep in the chair before too long.

Tomorrow is a workday for both of us.

I've felt pretty good overall, but my heart is becoming more irregular. I took another Femara today, which is the third dose since I restarted. Time will tell if it's related to the medicine.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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