Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday 11.15.2010

I woke this morning with that naggy frontal head pressure. Ick. I got up, had breakfast, fresh brew, waiting for it to go away. It didn't.

I went to Leah's for a massage, and on the way there, the pressure-pain intensified, and I realized that it was a migraine. I told her where my pain was, and she went to work.

About halfway through I was feeling like I had worked out. The pain had eased but the inside of my head was still sore. She continued doing what she does, including moving some lymph fluid. I was happy to have the migraine relieved by physical instead of pharmaceutical means, although when I got home, I did take tylenol and motrin to keep it away.

The rest of the day was quiet. I snoozed a bit after Dan got home, and since the meds have worn off, the shoulder and neck muscles and the inside of my head are sore again. I'll probably have another tylenol/motrin before too long.

Tomorrow I'll be at the hospital again for our "skills fair".

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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