Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday 10.19.2010

I was sleeping when the alarm came on, feeling kind of shaky when I woke, like I haven't had near enough sleep. I got up...

I felt somewhat better with breakfast, and as the morning went on, but never feeling quite "right" all day. My team was really busy all day. I took a moment to get my lunch from the cafeteria about 2 o'clock, and was able to eat sometime after 3. Several more tasks, charting, patient care, and I clocked out at 8 pm.

And I wanted to be "on call" or leave early, so I could go to the lake this evening. Ha.

A safe drive home, thank you God.

I'm hoping to rest well tonight and get a good start on my day tomorrow.

My left hand has been sore, with that swollen area quite full tonight, maybe even spreading across the knuckles a little. I'm not really sure what it is, but I'm not liking that it might even be lymph fluid collecting in my hand. Aack.

Thank you for reading, and for praying for my friends. (There are no answers yet for two of them.) Hugs.

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