Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday 10.31.2010 boo!

So this was the 5th weekend of a month, a rarity. Another 800 years or so, there will be another month with 5 full weekends. Hm.

I had a flip flop night. Toss and turn, try to hold still so as to not disturb Daniel. Deep breathe, conscious relaxation, counting backwards from 100. (I remember getting to 64) Geez. I finally slept between 5 and 7:45. Daniel got up, and I dozed again, getting up myself about 9.

It looked to be a beautiful day, though cold. Mid 30's, and the sun was shining through the clouds. Dan went golfing about 11:30, even though the temps were only projected to be low 40's. I made a grocery list, and went into Mason to find the courthouse (it's where I thought it was) and to see where parking is. Looks like I'll be walking a couple of blocks, and that's if there are spots available. But there seems to be street parking, too, so somewhere within the 2 or 3 block radius of the municipal building, I should be able to find a spot.

That done, I went on down to the Meijer store in Mason. I got our groceries and back home.

Dinner was done when Dan got home. He was hungry, and chilled. Hot supper, warm shower, and I was surprised when he fixed himself two cups of hot chocolate. It wasn't long before he was off to bed.

I'm a bit anxious about going to the courthouse tomorrow, but I've got a couple things to take with me to do while waiting. I really don't know what to expect.

Sinus pressure, wrist/joint/tendon discomfort. Same stuff.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

1 comment:

  1. Still Blurking!

    Wanted to correct a bit of common mis-information regarding 5 weekend months. Not as rare as some may think. We had one this past January, will have another this coming January and still another next July. They happen quite frequently, actually!


