Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday 10.24.2010

When the radio came on, heard within sleep, I wondered why it was on. Listening to the music on the edge of sleep and wake, trying to make sense of it, I almost reached over and turned it off.

Yes, I think it's Sunday, and my weekend to work. I'd better get up...

A safe drive to Jackson, thank you God, and a pretty good workday with a great group of co-workers. And just before the end of shift, one of my babies needed help breastfeeding.

I have to say, God has given me a gift of being able to help these babies and mothers. Most often, it doesn't take very long to get the baby "on" and feeding. Other times, it can take an hour. Or more, and more than one session. This particular baby has had a few hours of my time these last couple of days. We had a successful feed this afternoon, and hoped to have another before I left at 7pm.

I was in the room with them for an hour and a half, the bottom line being that we got the baby fed. And then I had to chart it. And I didn't clock out until 8.

I sat in the car and "regrouped" before starting for home. I called Dan and let him know I was on the way, and we talked a bit.

A safe drive home, thanks again.

We visited a little more before he went off to bed. I'm winding down.

Tomorrow is laundry, groceries, and probably food prep of some kind. Hopefully my morning won't start too early...

My left upper arm is feeling tight, kind of like the cording. Stretching will probably help, and I'll get to that, too. And tylenol and motrin.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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