Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday 10.22.2010

The day dawned clear and cold, mid 30's, with a mirror lake. A high layer of clouds was making it's way across the sky, and by the time I got up, close to 9 o'clock, the day didn't look so promising. But those clouds passed after a few hours, and it turned into a beautiful afternoon.

I went up to the marina and picked up the speedboat, and with Dan's help, got it maneuvered back into the garage. It had spent the night outdoors, uncovered, and needed to be wiped down. I was doing that until Dan was ready to go to Hale.

We looked at the Fish store, not finding much, down to Bernards, where Dan got what he wanted, then over to the hardware store. Back to the lake.

He finished his project, I finished wiping the boat (both outside and inside), got the "float" charger on the battery, and covered the boat to keep the dirt and dust off of it.

It wasn't too much longer that Dan said he had finished his projects, and was headed for home. Oh. What about cleaning inside...??? He was looking grumpy, and I'd rather be with my pleasant self than have him help me with his grumpy self. I sent him on his way.

So, I spent the rest of the afternoon finishing up, tidying up the garage, making sure the outside of the house was picked up and items secured, moved the paddleboat, cleaned inside, ate, packed, loaded the car, and finally left about 5 pm. Whew. And it was so beautiful outdoors, all I could do is praise God for letting me be there. Amen and Amen.

A safe drive home, thank you God, and I stopped to visit Tom and Kathy Sue to see their new kitchen. Wow! So Beautiful! Tom did a great job installing what Kathy's vision created.

I continued on my way. Just north of Lansing, I saw two deer cavorting on the side of the road. I zoomed by them--I don't know if they were trying to cross, or what. Again, thanks be.

I stopped and refueled in Lansing, getting home about 9:30. To my dismay, the house was dark and Dan was snoring in the bed. I unloaded the car, had a bite to eat, showered, and wrote here.

Tomorrow is a workday for both of us.

I've felt pretty good, overall, considering. Tylenol and motrin keep me mostly comfortable. My left hand still has that swollen area that is tender. But I'm happy to be alive.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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