Monday, September 6, 2010

Monday 09.06.2010

I slept my usual interupted sleep, and of course, the window was open. And I was hearing things. Like glass breaking. I thought it was kids busting a couple of bottles out there. And then I heard it raining.

Dan's alarm came on at 5, and I heard the glass crashing again. I jumped up and looked out the window, heard another smash, and saw a couple of teenage boys come around the corner of the building across the street. Dan came to the window just in time to see the guys bust a window out. Doggone. I called 911.

Of course the guys were gone in the 10 minutes or so it took for the sheriff to arrive, but he did drive around and look, and when he saw the window busted out he called for backup. Dan spoke to the sheriff when he went out to his car, and he called me a few minutes later, saying that mailboxes had been knocked off in another area, and the sheriff was inside the clubhouse when he drove by.

The backup arrived, who had a dog, and they did whatever they do, coming back to their vehicle after a half hour or so. Another cruiser came up, and I went back to bed. I did see that the owner had been notified and came downstairs.

I woke just after 9, hearing voices outside. I looked out and saw neighbors on the other end of that building out there sweeping. That's when I saw that all the security lights on the garage over there had been busted out. Oh, that's what I heard...

They were finishing sweeping up when I had gotten dressed, so I went out to talk to them. (I am, after all, nosy, but being the Condo Association President, I thought it was appropriate to find out what was going on.)

I walked around a couple of the buildings, and saw a couple more lights popped out. I wanted to get paper to write stuff down, so I went back in and had breakfast. When I was ready to go outside, though, it had started raining. Ugh.

So I did a few loads of laundry, had a brief nap. It was after 3, and the sun was coming out. I found a map of the buildings and went outdoors.

To my surprise and disappointment, there were 4 of the 5 buildings that had been damaged. Someone else had heard the glass popping, too, the first time, around 2 AM. He had 3 lights broken, and also three irrigation sprinkler heads destroyed. And when I came back to our building, the maintenance guy was there. He said there had been some damage also in the apartments in the other half of the complex. Stupid kids. Dan was home now, too.

We went out to Kmart, looking at stuff on sale, and ended up buying a drop-leaf pub table with 2 stools for the cabin. Over to Meijer for a few groceries, and back home.

We put things away, and I made a light supper for us. We had a quiet night.

My wrist has been a little sore this afternoon, but I realized it was time for the afternoon Motrin. And my incisions have been itchy. When I looked, I saw they were both flaky/peely. Hm.

Tomorrow is a work day for both of us.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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