Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday 07.23.2010

Ugh. I hardly slept last night. Or so it seemed. I saw the clock several different times, and finally the alarm came on. Time to get up...

A safe drive to Jackson, thank you God. The car thermometer showed 78 degrees in Holt and 80 degrees this morning at 0615 when I was in the parking lot. Can you believe it?

We had a good day, with a great group of co-workers. I was happy to be able to leave when the shift was over. Even if it was inbetween thundershowers.

A safe drive home, thanks again, and the rain had stopped about halfway home. Temp was 73 in the parking lot, and 80 again at home.

Dan had been sleeping when I called to tell him I was on my way, but he was up when I got home. We visited a bit and he went back to bed.

Tomorrow is a haircut for me. Can't wait.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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