Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday 06.08.2010

I got up this morning and went to work. A safe drive down, thank you God, with the deer not in the roadway.

The unit was busy, as I had thought it would be, and we had enough help to have a good day. Until 4:30 or so, when it started to blow up again. We spent the remainder of the shift juggling patients and staff, trying to balance both so that the assignments were manageable. I was glad to be leaving and not coming back for a couple of days.

A safe drive home, thanks again, in the rain. Dan was golfing, in the rain.

I thought I'd look at my computer, clicking on the connections things, reading the messages and such. I opened a couple of boxes, and something caught my eye, so I followed that trail. I found that a setting had been changed to allow it to only connect with another computer. That didn't look right, so I changed it to the top option of the 3 choices, and when I did, the progress bar started moving, and things started happening.

And before I knew it, I was online! Woo Hoo!! All by myself!!! (Not that I could tell you where I was and what files I opened...)

I'm writing here, waiting for Daniel to get home.

Tomorrow is groceries, and an Association Board meeting in the evening. Dan is going up north tomorrow night for a long weekend of golf.

I've still got a layer of fuzz in my throat, and I still sound a bit "nasal-y" to myself. Yes, I'm fatigued, too. I took a couple tylenol a little while ago for a headache and general discomfort and to help me sleep again tonight.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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