Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday 05.26.2010

What a beautiful day at Long Lake!! It was mirror quiet for the majority of the day, and temps got into the mid-80's.

I didn't sleep too well last night. I was disappointed about that. Sometime in the early morning I heard a put-put-put, very softly, and I realized it was a boat motor. I rolled over and looked--it was Tom out there trolling/fishing. I wanted to run out onto the dock to get a boatride, but he was gone, and really, I wasn't ready to get up yet.

I did get up about 8:30. Breakfast and fresh brew. My throat is a bit "uncomfortable". Not sore really, but an occasional cough and general discomfort. Dan called about 8--he was up and getting ready to leave. He said he felt just a little better.

I moved a few more things out of the back half of the house before going to the Goodwin Cottage. It was hot and still outside. I greeted a few folks along the way, a couple new ones and a couple old ones.

Tom was finishing chores. He has done a lot of work at the GC, and it looks really good. Thanks Tom, for doing that. We sat and visited a short while.

Back at the JC, it was just after noon. Dan hadn't arrived yet. I went out and swept the buildings and the walks, and was just moving my car when he pulled in. I was happy to see him, though he still doesn't look so well.

Dan is not one to rest if there are things to do, and he jumped right in. First off, he put the air conditioner in the kitchen window. We took apart the bunk bed frames, then tried removing the closet doors. OMG--how in the world did those get installed?? Dan kind of remembers his dad doing it, kind of building it as they went. It was quite a project removing them, but we got them off. Putting them back up?? I don't know...

We went outside and moved the green boat, then he put the solar landscape lights out. It was nearing 4 o'clock, and I know he hadn't eaten. We went inside.

I fixed supper while he cooled off and showered. After eating, he put a movie on. He ended up watching 2 movies while I putzed around doing little things. I did finish the glider cushion project. Well, mostly. The frame still needs wire brushed and painted. I also made hummingbird food and put up the feeder. It wasn't up an hour before there was a bird at it!

The landscape lights look nice. I have cleaned the kitchen, put things away, and we are ready for the morning.

Dan has gone to bed, and I'm ready. I'm thinking a couple tylenol might help me sleep.

Tomorrow is new carpet day. Woo Hoo!!!!

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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