Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday 05.28.2010

I slept pretty good at intervals, waking with the sun shining in the window. I looked out across the lake--a little wind this morning, more than just "ruffles". I dozed, and next time I woke Dan had gotten up. It was about 8:30 when he came into the bedroom to get dressed, and since he was leaving about 9:30, I got up.

I was feeling a bit crummy and debated between hot tea or thera flu. I chose the thera flu. I felt somewhat better an hour or so later.

Dan left, and I looked around at the beautiful carpet. How nice to wake up and not feel grimy. I also saw that there's a lot of putting things back to do. *sigh* I don't have a lot of energy today, and I have to go home, too.

It took all day, but I got the linens changed on the bed, reassembled the twin bed in the middle bedroom and got that room put back together, cleaned the bathroom, put things away, moved stuff around, cleaned the kitchen, packed, loaded the car. I didn't feel like I did a lot, but after writing it, I guess I did. Brought stuff in from the garage, put things away. I finally left there about 5:30 pm.

It was a beautiful day there. Mid 80's, sunshine. The "weekenders" were arriving, and the boat traffic was increasing. I was glad to be leaving, as I don't enjoy it so much when the lake is so busy.

I arrived home about 9. Dan was in bed, snoring. He woke when he heard me stirring around, but went back to sleep after we talked for a few minutes.

I put a load of laundry in, unpacked some of my suitcase, and had something to eat. I've got the carpet pics moved from the camera card to the computer, and will post the link when I get them sorted out.

So, the laundry is dried and folded, the blog is written, my nose is continuously dripping, my throat is scratchy, and I need to go to bed so I can get up at 0430 tomorrow. Woo Hoo!!

Thank you God for safe travels.

And for you. Hugs.

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