Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday 04.10.2010

I was hoping to sleep better than I did, but when the alarm came on, I got up. Dan, too. He had been up several times throughout the night with his intestines blowing up. I tried to encourage him to call someone to cover him and stay home, but he went anyway.

A safe drive for me, thank you God. It really was a pretty morning. It was still dark with the stars losing their grip on the night sky and the birds beginning their morning songs.

We had a good day on the overflow unit. Finally, a day that was low key. Enjoyable, even.

And then it was time to go home.

Dan had left his work sometime after 11. He said he wasn't able to stay off the pot, and had taken the Imodium stuff in hopes of feeling better. He was in the bathroom, though, when I got home.

He was feeling better enough to eat a little bit, and sat up with me about an hour or so without an "event", though made a bathroom stop on the way to bed.

His "sensitive" digestive system will probably be mostly better tomorrow. I hope so, as we're planning on...

The Parlor, in Jackson, at 4 pm, for Frank's Birthday Celebration. (dutch treat)

Come join us!

Tomorrow is laundry and ice cream day for me.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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