Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday 02.18.2010

It felt like I had been sleeping quite a while until I looked at the clock. Geesh, less than 2 hours. I dozed off again a couple more times with the radio waking me. I called the unit to check our staffing; yup, gotta go.

A safe drive down, thank you God, and was that the sun nudging it's way into the early morning?? Woo Hoo!! I think the horizon was showing dawn!

The shuttle took us over, and we started our workday.

Ugh. We were busy from the time we took over from the previous shift. The "fan" had turned on; it was ugly busy pretty much all day long until the night shift came back.

I was, however, able to go over to the dentist, as the other LPN I was working with had a medical appointment, too, this morning, and we had someone come in for a few hours to cover for us. Which worked out really well.

The first thing they did was take an x-ray of the tooth. Then we waited for the doctor to come in. When he did, he took one look and said, yup. I think we're looking at a crown. He got an instrument and poked it a little, put the instrument down, then looked at my chart. It seems this particular tooth was filled "way back when" by my Uncle, Wayne Mortimer. So overall, this tooth has done pretty good.

We talked about options, which are quite limited. He thinks he sees another shallow crack in the tooth and will be able to take care of it with the crown preparation, which will happen in a few weeks. He then was going to "smooth the sharp edges" of the break, but changed his mind, and put some kind of temporary filling stuff over the existing filling. He said that it might last until the appointment, or might not. He didn't seem real concerned. We talked a bit more; I questioned whether the chemo might have been a factor. No, was the answer. Age was it.

I thanked him, and made my appointments, which are in several weeks, and went back to the hospital.

Whew. I was pretty anxious.

Back on the floor, it was busy with call lights, telephones, patients, staff, and visitors. I have to say I was happy to be done with the day.

I got home and visited with Dan a little before he went off to bed. I had the Olympics on and wrote here when my eyes were open.

Tomorrow is a rest day.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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