Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday 02.21.2010

I woke this morning and saw that Daniel was out of bed. I went back to sleep, waking again about 8:30. I turned the radio on and was pleased to hear the Sunday Puzzle coming on. I listened to that, and a little while later I got up.

I think I'm feeling better today. Thank you God. I don't like feeling/being punky.

I had breakfast, then went in and enjoyed a nice shower. Daniel was working upstairs on his computer, while I caught up on filing and got some paperwork/numbers collected for income taxes. A little while later, Daniel came downstairs and said he was ready to go outside for a walk. OK!!!

Though the thermometer showed 46 degrees, it felt more like a little above 40, with a nippy breeze. We walked around the complex, looking at the buildings, the snow, and whatever we came upon. When we got back in, I went on up to Meijer to pick up a few of the sale items. I fixed supper when I got home, which was yummy.

The rest of the evening, he worked on his computer stuff, while I read some. We looked at the Olympics, and Dan has gone off to bed.

Tomorrow is a workday for both of us. A winter storm is projected to start sometime around midnight; we'll see what we wake up to...

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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