Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Monday 02.08.2010

I slept some during the night, getting up when the radio came on. I had to smile when Daniel asked "are you sure you're going to work?" because I've been "on-call" so often recently. I took my chances and got ready, and No, no phone call this morning.

I had a safe drive down, thank you God, and the shuttle was there to take us over to the hospital. I sure appreciate that ride.

We had a good day, with a good crew. After the dust settled, I was able to leave at 4:30. I stopped at the oil change place and had the air checked in the tires, then over to the credit union to take care of business.

A safe drive home, thanks again, in the late afternoon sun. What a nice change! Dan had gone somewhere after work so wasn't home, which was just as good with me. Although I had most of my things collected/gathered and packed, I was surprised at how long it took me to get it all put together and ready to load into the car. He got home as I was finishing up, just in time to help carry it downstairs. I put it into the car as I wanted it, hugs and kisses, I was off, shortly before 8 pm.

I decided to leave this evening due to the winter storm that is predicted to move in on Tuesday. Daniel and I had looked at the weather map before leaving to check the track of the storm. It looked best for Frank and I to leave this evening.

Frank was packed and ready. I picked him up in Michigan Center and we were on our way by 8:50.

We had an uneventful drive, making good time. It's not a race--I prefer to enjoy the trip, stopping when necessary. We got to Athens, Ohio and decided to stop for now. By 0300 we were comfy in a Hampton Inn.

Yes, it's just a brief stay, but it's all about the journey. I checked in with Daniel to let him know where we were, Frank has had a nice shower, and I wrote here.

We'll breakfast here and get on the road again, though I'm not sure what the time frame is going to be. We're already ahead of schedule.

And, so far, no precipitation.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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