Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday 01.26.2010

Geez, I couldn't sleep last night. Toss, turn. Cold. Hot. Stretch out, get comfortable, doze off, wake up in a different position, and not comfortable. Why do I reposition to discomfort? Seems odd.

Dan got up and went to work. I thought that I would finally sleep. Not. I continued the doze/wake/restless/repeat cycles a couple more times before giving up and getting out of bed. Not rested.

I was grumpy. But I washed up, talked real nice to the woman in the mirror and smiled at her, and changed my perspective. Ahh. That's better.

I had breakfast and a brew and looked at the PBS "Create" shows off and on, while looking at the computer. I got really sleepy shortly after noon and tried to close my eyes for a nap. Boing! Eyes opened. Huh? Oh geez, never mind.

I got up and spent the next couple hours cleaning the bathroom. That's always nice to have done. Just as I was finished putting the cleaning supplies away, Dan came in, and Frank, too. Good timing.

They went upstairs and were geeked about whatever they were doing. Finally, Daniel was ready to eat.

We went to Scalawag's, a franchise seafood place that originated near Mackinaw. It was good.

We got back and they got back at it. Dan went to bed after Frank left, shortly after 10.

This afternoon my head was real icky again, for maybe 4 hours or so. Very odd. Seems to be mostly better now. I was surprised when it started happening. My shoulder is achy, too. I see Leah tomorrow; I'm hoping that will help.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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