Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday 01.12.2010

I slept somewhat better last night; woke to the radio and got up for work. Dan, too.

I had a good drive down, thank you God. No shuttle. Hmmm. I waited several minutes, but ended up walking the two blocks in 15 degree weather. Of course I was bundled up. I way don't like being cold.

And let me just say, as an aside, that for me, hot flashes and freezing temperatures do not equal out. When the bitter cold air comes in contact with hot, sometimes perspire-y skin, it almost hurts. Burns. The temperatures do not equal out. Kind of like being thirsty in the ocean?

We had a busy day today on the overflow unit, which had just opened during the night shift for their deliveries. So all of the patients were new, and just kept coming. We had a good crew, though, and we got through it.

A safe drive home, thanks again, and Dan was home, too. We had brief conversation before I looked over and saw him sleeping in the chair. *sigh* It makes for a quiet evening, I guess.

I picked at the email and wrote here; not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow.

For the most part, working Mother/Baby is a happy place to be. Both yesterday and today we had losses. Please keep the families of these angel babies in your prayers.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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