Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday 01.11.2010

Geesh, feels like I tossed and turned and was awake most of the night. I had called the unit (of the hospital where I work) before I went to bed to check staffing for today. We had lots of staff, so I offered to be on-call.

Dan got up and gone to his j.o.b. while I mostly didn't hear him. I woke again about 9 and listened to the radio a bit before getting up.

I ended up having a lovely day. Since I had the time, I was able to call the library guy to troubleshoot downloading emedia. It took a short while, as computer stuff does, but we did it!! I also browsed the elibrary. I'm sure it's the way of the future. I also looked at my projected work schedule and blocked out groups of days to go to the lake, as well as my vacation time. Looking good...

I went out for a short walk, came in and fixed dinner, read some, and finally Dan came home. He was tuckered out from his day. We chatted a bit while he ate, and he went on to bed after doing his computer stuff.

Tomorrow I will work.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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