Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday 01.29.2010

I did seem to sleep a little better with the tylenol and motrin on board. Maybe I should say that I returned to sleep better. I still woke a couple of times. And then it was time to get up for work.

A safe drive to Jackson, thank you God, and the shuttle took us over to the hospital.

I worked on the overflow unit today. Oh. My. Gosh. We were busy. My orientee went to "class" for 8 hours, and we had a "house" CNA to help us. Thank God we did--she turned out to be very helpful and kept our boat from sinking. We finally settled down about 5 o'clock, but ended up the shift with one of our patients needing "urgent" care. We did what needed to be done, but had to pass it on to the next shift. I'm sure the patient will be ok, but it's difficult to hand over that kind of situation in the middle of the process and leave.

A safe drive home, thanks again. Dan was able to leave his work shortly after noon today, which was very nice for him. He was upstairs still working on that computer...

We visited a little, I had a snack, and wrote here. I'm about ready for bed. I also had another several experiences of that annoying head stuff this afternoon. Very odd.

Tomorrow we need to get groceries. I'm not sure what else.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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