Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sunday 12.27.2009

Dan got up and went to work; I went back to sleep, waking about 9:30. I listened to the radio a bit before getting up and having breakfast.

Just as I was going to get in the shower, Kris had gotten up and was in the other bathroom/shower. I chose to wait.

I put some Christmas things away and straightened up a little, then enjoyed my shower a little later.

She and I visited before she left to visit a friend.

Dan got home from work and we watched the Lions lose yet again. Geesh.

He's gone to bed, she's not back yet, and I'm going to bed soon, too.

Tomorrow Dan and I both work and Kris leaves to go on her way. It's been nice to have her here.

I'm feeling much better sinus-wise today, only taking the claritin. The arm feels like it's filling again, kind of itchy and prickly on the inside. Strange.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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