Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday 12.26.2009

Dan got up and went to work; I got up a little later and took more antihistamine and went back to bed. I got up around 9, feeling punky. I decided to be good to myself, just have a quiet morning.

A warm shower helped some, and breakfast. I sat and looked at the computer a bit before cutting veggies and fruits. I received a phone call saying KS' mom was again in the hospital, that Tom and she would not be coming down today for our family gathering. Bummer. Many prayers for Mary and those who love her.

Kris got up and ready for her day. Frank got here about noon. We all visited before Kris went on to her event, and Frank and I loaded up and went up to the clubhouse.

Since we weren't moving furniture like we did before it didn't take very long to unpack the boxes and put the fruit and vegetable trays together. We were ready.

Jim, Polly, Bruce, Dave, Catherine, Michael, Frank, and myself. Dan joined us after work. We had a nice afternoon talking, playing pool and shuffleboard, sharing a nice meal. Thank you to all for your contributions. A nice surprise was when I went into the office to pay for the rental--no charge for small groups. Yippee!!

The party broke up about 5, I think. It was dark by the time we got everything picked up and loaded into the car, so it might have been six.

Frank came back to the house, and Dan, Frank and I had our gift exchange. (can you believe we almost forgot about presents?) That was fun--we each got some kind of lighting device. Dan got a sunlight device, Frank's was a set of lighted tools, and I received a "rainproof" walking light. It has a forward light to see ahead, a down light to see where you're stepping, and a red flashing light on the back, with a combination of settings of the three.

As Frank left, Kris came in, and Dan went to bed. She is in her room, and I'm writing here. I am happy to say I'm feeling better this evening.

Tomorrow is no plans. I hope to rest and continue to feel better. Maybe I'll go up to the clubhouse and sit in the whirlpool...

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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