Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday 11.11.2009 Veteran's Day

To All Who Serve/d: THANK YOU. I'm glad you're back. Or hope you are safe and are able to come home soon. Military personnel and families are soooo under appreciated.

Dan got up and went to work; I went back to sleep, waking about 8:30. The sun was shining. I got up and had breakfast and got ready for the day.

I had a few stops to make today, starting with dropping off prescriptions, then on to groceries. Returned empties, gathered items, stood in line. Finally got through the check-out. Next stop, Target.

I walked through there, but didn't find either of the products on my list. Next....

Library. We have a beautiful library here, and the parking area has just been modified, but there is still no drive-up drop box to return materials. So, out of the car again, walk up to the building, and back to the car.

Next, CVS. I had "bucks" to spend, and had to look around to find the items we needed. I finally did, then went back to pick up the prescriptions. We had several. The person at the counter rang everything up while the last two were being filled, then we finished up.

By this time I was hungry again. I stopped at home, unloaded and unpacked the groceries, had a light lunch, and went back out to pick up the sewing machine.

I got home just before Dan called and said he'd be home soon. I got dinner together and into the oven.

We ate, he did a load of laundry for us, I cleaned the kitchen, and in the evening paid bills.

Tomorrow I see Leah in the morning, then I go to Jackson to work at the "Ed Fair" for our unit. We present new information and review old stuff and do unit specific competencies. I'll be there from 1 until 10 pm. Friday I'll work the floor from 10:30 am -7 pm. (wasn't it nice to get the morning off??)

Saturday, Frank and I are doing a day trip to the Jacque Cabin to see Jeremy, who is coming to Michigan to hunt. And that's the only day I have open to see him.

I'm off to bed soon.

My shoulders are achy, the pesky breast is bothersome, and the temperature instability is annoying. I'm glad to be alive and cancer free. Thank you God.

And thank you for reading. Hugs.

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