Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday 11.05.2009

About 0100 I woke up, tossed and turned, gave up, got up and took tylenol/motrin. 45 minutes later I dozed off. 4:30 the radio comes on. Up time.

I got ready for work, and Dan did, too. We left for our drives in the dark. On the way to Jackson there were three different areas where a large animal, most likely a deer by the amount of debris, had been completely pulverized in the road. And it was still kind of fresh--moist dark red with bits strewn among the lanes. But nothing identifiable. Ick.

The shuttle took us over to the hospital. We had a good day, and with the discharges, we had to staff down again. I offered to go, as the other girls preferred to stay. So I was able to leave by 2 pm. Woo Hoo!! The sun was shining and the car thermometer showed 52 degrees.

I was able to stop at the credit union on the way home, which was helpful. And when I got home, I took the car back to the body shop to have them adjust the window where it was gapped against the seal. It was minor--a clip had gotten shifted, and it was as simple as moving it back into place. Wa La!!

Dan was home shortly after. We visited, had dinner, and he's gone off to bed. I caught up on email and wrote here.

Tomorrow we're scheduled to work again.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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